Civil Service Office (Main building 1F)

  • Address: 60, Sicheong-ro, Namwon-si (Dotong-dong)
  • Hours of operation: weekdays 09:00 ~ 18:00
  • Fax no: 063-620-6705

Civil Service Counters

Civil Service Counters
Counter 1-2 Vehicle registration
Counter 3-5 Local tax return
Local tax proof issuance
  • Local tax return (vehicle, real estate)
  • Local tax proof issuance, local tax credit card payment
  • Inquiry: 063-620-6277, 620-6305
Counter 6 Sanitation-related affairs
  • Report of restaurant business (permission, report of change)
  • Cosmetologist license
  • Inquiry: 063-620-6157
Counter 7 Report of real estate transaction contract
Real estate seal of approval
  • Report of real estate transaction contract
  • Seal of approval for real estate
  • Inquiry : 063-620-6134
Counter 8-10 General civil complaints &
ubiquitous civil service
Counter 11 Passport
  • The application for passport issuance shall not be based on the registered address from June 16, 2008.
  • Passport application (new, extension, change)
  • Passport issuance
  • Passport service
  • Inquiry : 063-620-6105
Counter 12 Registration of civil complaints
  • Civil services such as report of permissions and licenses
  • Handling civil complaints including dispute settlement, suggestions and Q&A
  • Inquiry : 063-620-6104
Counter 13 Survey registration
  • Cadastral survey / registration and counseling
  • Inquiry : 063-620-6128
Counter 14-15 General civil complaints
Construction permission