Chueotang (Mudfish Soup)

Chueotang (Mudfish Soup)

Chueotang has been a traditional nourishing meal made from mudfish caught in rice paddies and waterways around Namwon. Due to its scarcity, true Chueotang can only be savored in Namwon, making it a must-try local dish.
Namwon hosts approximately 40 Chueotang restaurants, the highest number relative to population in Korea.

Heukdon (Black Pork)

Heukdon (Black Pork)

Until the 1970s, native black pigs were commonly raised in small farm sheds and fed leftovers. These pigs grew slowly and were considered a delicacy only to be slaughtered for significant family celebrations.
Over time, these native breeds faded under the influence of industrial farming priorities. Fortunately, in Namwon’s eastern mountainous regions, some restaurants still offer dishes made from native black pigs, which are leaner and have a chewy texture and a rich, nutty flavor from the fat.

Sanchae Baekban (Wild Vegetable Full Meal)

Sanchae Baekban (Wild Vegetable Full Meal)

This traditional meal consists of rice with various wild vegetables as side dishes. It includes seasoned and fresh vegetables such as Artemisia, water dropwort sprouts, and thistle, prepared as wraps or seasoned side dishes.
Although less famous than Chueotang, Sanchae Baekban is a culinary delight praised by gourmets nationwide.

Local Liquor

Local Liquor

Liquor is considered essential to enjoying a meal, enhancing both taste and mood. Local specialties include Hwangjini liquor, Jumongju, and Namwon makgeolli. Hwangjini liquor, made from high-quality omija and cornus fruit harvested from Jirisan, features a balanced flavor of sweet and sour suited for both men and women. Jumongju is an authentic wine brewed from black raspberries and rice. Though not high in alcohol content, its intense flavor epitomizes the spirit of the Goguryeo people.

Namwon Traditional Confectionery (Hangwa)

Namwon Traditional Confectionery (Hangwa)

Hangwa, traditional Korean confectionery, is made from rice flour, nuts, and honey. While the exact origins of Namwon’s Hangwa are unclear, it has long been made from high-quality local agricultural products and enjoys a national reputation. Namwon Hangwa is characterized by its puffed texture and dense mesh structure. Local producers continue to innovate by incorporating regional specialties like herbs and yacon into their Hangwa, further enhancing its flavor and appeal.