Namwon Sports Facilities

Chunhyanggol Gymnasium (Indoor Gymnasium)

  • Address : 341 Chungjeong-ro, Namwon-si, Jeollabuk-do
  • Phone : ☎ 063)620-5618, 5620

Namwon Cultural and Sports Center

  • Main Facilities: Football Field 1, Football Field 2, Outdoor Foot Volleyball Court, Indoor Gymnasium, Futsal Field
  • Address: 333 Ibaek-ro, Ibaek-myeon, Namwon-si, Jeollabuk-do
  • Phone: ☎ 063-620-6677, 6678
Operating Hours
  • Daytime: 09:00 – 18:00
  • Evening Hours: 18:00 – 22:00

※ The facility may be closed due to unavoidable circumstances such as natural disasters.

Additional Fees for Overtime Use
  • Less than 1 hour overtime: 50% of the basic fee
  • 1 hour or more overtime: 100% of the basic fee
User Age Groups
  • Children: 7~13 years old, elementary school students
  • Youth: 14~19 years old, middle and high school students
  • Adults: 20 years and older
  • Seniors: 65 years and older
User Priority
  1. National, local, and city sports events and activities
  2. Events and activities necessary for sports promotion
  3. Events for educational institutions and youth
  4. Events for a general audience including employees and club members
  5. Sports training, personal fitness, and physical training activities
  6. Cultural events, performances, exhibitions, and fairs not related to sports competitions